

[ICMART2024 Session 6-6 Medical History]

페이지 정보

작성자 대한한의학회
댓글 0건 조회 29회 작성일 24-10-31 15:13


[ICMART2024 Session 6-6 Medical History]
◎ Chair : Dominik Irnich
◎ Speaker
- Petr Fiala : Amazing History and Future of (Medical) Acupuncture
- Wung Seok Cha : A New Hypothesis Regarding the Genesis of East Asian Acupuncture - Centers on the Acupuncture Implements Unearthed in the Xiaoyingzi Region of Jilin Province
- Jungha Park : Changes in Awareness of Asthma and Acupuncture Prescriptions Seen through Comprehensive 10 Medical Books of the Joseon Dynasty